Established in 2018, Indiana University Fort Wayne (IU Fort Wayne) is the only university in Northeast Indiana with a singular mission to educate and develop the next generation of health professionals. In a region where health care is the second-largest employment sector in the region, IU Fort Wayne’s mission is a vital one for Northeast Indiana’s continued growth and success.
In July 2022, IU Fort Wayne welcomed Dr. Deborah Garrison as its inaugural Vice Chancellor and Dean. Garrison brought with her to IU Fort Wayne a unique, impressive background combining extensive experience in both health care and higher education. Dr. Garrison’s experience has taught her that each campus – its challenges, strengths and opportunities – is distinct.
Eager to learn more about IU Fort Wayne and to explore how it can make its strongest contribution to the region, Garrison led the development of IU Fort Wayne Forward – A Listening and Learning Tour. As a new community member and leader, her goal was to understand IUFW’s place in the community and region as the school prioritized a plan to raise its profile and advance the mission and vision. She also saw in IU Fort Wayne Forward a critical opportunity to provide invaluable input from a variety of sources toward the development of its 2030 Strategic Plan.
Beginning in October 2022 and running through January 2023, Garrison held 24 in-person IU Fort Wayne Forward listening sessions and focus groups. Through these gatherings, Garrison interacted with a broad and invested cross-section of more than 250 constituents who expressed their perceptions of IU Fort Wayne’s contributions to the community and what should be done to strengthen the university. This included more than 150 faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners she met face-to-face with, as well as an additional 110 participants who responded to an online IU Fort Wayne Forward survey.
In addition to identifying IU Fort Wayne’s current strengths and priorities, participants also shared what they considered to be the top priorities for the campus’ future. The top proposed strategic priorities identified by participants included the strengthening of campus branding, the funding of additional scholarships, and the expansion of student/learning spaces on campus.
“I especially loved the focus groups with our students, who shared great ideas and energy to make our world a better place,” Garrison explained. “They are eager to learn and excited about IU Fort Wayne’s growth. They would like to see more crimson and cream around campus and more space to study and learn.”
In addition to informing IU Fort Wayne’s future priorities and strategic planning, the data gathered through IU Fort Wayne Forward is also being reviewed with the intent to align key themes alongside other key economic development efforts from partners including Greater Fort Wayne Inc.’s Allen County Together and Northeast Indiana Works research analysis.
With IU Fort Wayne Forward – A Listening and Learning Tour complete, Garrison and the IU Fort Wayne leadership are developing next steps for moving forward with key priorities and identifying the pillars that its 2030 strategic plan will be built upon. While established in 2018, IU Fort Wayne is built on the IU tradition of excellence that spans more than two centuries.