Helping you serve your students
We know what an important role high school counselors play in guiding students through the college search process, and we want to make your job as easy possible. Our team is here to provide assistance with everything from answering questions about the admission process to planning a campus visit for your students.
Submitting HS transcripts
Send official High School transcript to IU Fort Wayne. IU Fort Wayne accepts official transcripts that are sent electronically. However, we do not accept PDFs of transcripts; transcripts must be electronically generated and sent from an official service. Provide as a recipient address if needed.
Transcripts may also be mailed to:
IU Fort WayneNeff Hall Room 110
2101 East Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
IU Fort Wayne codes
Our SAT code is 6907Our ACT code is 1764
Our FAFSA code is E40457