- Email:
- hhavens@iu.edu
- Department:
- Health Policy and Management
- Campus:
- IU Fort Wayne
Dr. Heather Taylor began her career as a licensed dental hygienist, working in private practice and in public health. Before pursuing her PhD in Health Policy and Management at the Fairbanks School of Public Health, she was a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Indiana University School of Dentistry, where she taught dental radiology and supported community outreach projects and events. In particular, she worked with SEAL Indiana, the dental school's mobile dental sealant program, which travels across Indiana to provide preventive dental care to uninsured and underserved school children.
Recently, Dr. Taylor completed her dissertation entitled "Factors and Outcomes associated with dental care use among Medicaid-enrolled adults" using multiple years of Medicaid claims and enrollment data. She is passionate about improving access to dental care and reducing oral health disparities among low-income adults and children. Dr. Taylor was also a National Library of Medicine Fellow in Population and Public Health Informatics between 2017 and 2021.
To date, Dr. Taylor has published 14 studies in areas related to oral health, dental informatics, health administration, and health services research. Currently, she is working with colleagues to determine the economic burden of untreated mental illness in the state of Indiana.
Heath services research; Mental health; Oral health disparities; Oral-systemic relationship; Dental informatics.
PBHL-H325: Health Information Technology Management and Policy
1. Mazurenko, O., Taylor, H., Menachemi, N. The impact of narrow and tiered networks on costs, access, quality, and patient steering: A systematic review. Med Care Res Rev. Published online November 10, 2021:10775587211055923.
2. Yeager, V., Taylor, H., Menachemi, N., Haut, D., Halverson, P., Vest, J.R. Primary Care Case Conferences to Mitigate Social Determinants of Health: A Case Study from One FQHC System. Am J Accountable Care. 2021;9(4):12-19.
3. Bako, A. T., Taylor, H. L., Wiley, K. J., Zheng, J., Walter-McCabe, H. A., Kasthurirathne, S. N., & Vest, J. R. (2021). Using natural language processing to classify social work interventions. The American Journal of Managed Care, 27(1), e24–e31.
4. Taylor H, Holmes AM, Blackburn J. Prevalence of and factors associated with unmet dental need among the US adult population in 2016. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2020 Dec 4. doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12607
5. Taylor, H., Apathy, N., & Vest, J. Health information exchange use during dental visits. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2021 Jan 25;2020:1210-1219. PMID: 33936497; PMCID: PMC8075496.
6. Taylor, H., Rahurkar, S., Treat, T., Thyvalikakath, T. & Schleyer, T. (2020) Does periodontal treatment improve systemic health? A systematic review of reviews. Journal of Dental Research, doi:10.1177/0022034520965958.
7. Blackburn, J., Bennett, A., Fifolt, M., Rucks, A., Taylor, H., Wolff, P., Sen, P. (2020) “Pediatric dental care utilization and parent/caregiver-rated oral health among Medicaid enrollees in Alabama, 2019.” Journal of American Dental Association 151 (6):416-426. doi.org/10.1016/j.adaj.2020.02.016
8. Taylor, H., Siddiqui, Z., Frazier K., and Thyvalikakath, T. (2019). “Evaluation of a Dental Diagnostic Terminology Subset.” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 264 (August): 1602–3. doi.org/10.3233/SHTI190555
9. Taylor, H., & Yeager, V. A. (2019). Core Competency Gaps among Governmental Public Health Employees With and Without a Formal Public Health Degree. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: JPHMP. doi.org/10.1097/PHH.0000000000001071
10.Taylor, H., Harle, C., Johnson, S., Menachemi, N. (2019). “Workplace Incivility Experienced by Health Administration Faculty.” The Journal of Health Administration Education 36 (2): 191–216.