The purpose of the Staff Council at Indiana University Fort Wayne shall be to represent the support staff more fully in communication processes and the decision‐making processes of the University and
- To increase the sense of identity, recognition, and worth of each staff member in their relationship with the University,
- To identify concerns relating to staff and to seek their solutions,
- To provide a channel of communication for staff with administration and faculty,
- To promote the development and adoption of policies which will aid in retaining highly qualified personnel,
- To integrate the staff into existing University affairs,
- To establish, promote, and financially support scholarships, university‐wide activities, projects, workshops, and seminars,
- Shall encourage the opportunity for continuing professional development for the staff,
- To create a stronger bond between the support staff and the campus and community,
- Staff council funds will be generated to financially support scholarships and programs established to assist Indiana University Fort Wayne staff.
For the Indiana University Fort Wayne Staff Council organization, the term “support staff” shall mean clerical, professional, technical, and service employees who are not represented elsewhere.
The Staff Council is drawn from a wide range of functional classifications.
Eligibility for Membership
All non‐academic staff working 20 hours or more per week on the campus, either full‐time or part‐time, shall be eligible for membership in the Staff Council. This shall include Purdue University Fort Wayne appointed employees as non‐voting members.
The Staff Council shall bi-annually elect its members to fill offices that serve for two (2) fiscal years or until their respective successors have been elected and seated. The Council shall elect a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer to make up the Executive Board.
Eligibility for Office (who may vote):
All members of the Staff Council are eligible for election to the offices stated in Section IV, and Staff Council members may nominate or cast ballots in the election of any officer of the Staff Council.
Election of Officers (when held):
Elections are conducted at the June meeting of the Staff Council. Nominations are received from the floor prior to the June meeting, and the nominating committee presents a slate; the election of officers is by secret ballot. The nominating committee tallies the ballots, and the results are announced and sent via email.
Duties of the President:
- To preside at all meetings of the Staff Council
- To prepare, in consultation with the Executive Board, the agenda and designate Council meeting locations.
- To issue all correspondence for both regular and special meetings.
- To appoint ad hoc committees of the Staff Council.
- To either serve or appoint an Executive Board representative as an ex‐officio member of all standing committees
- To represent IUFW staff at campus-wide council meetings and IUPUI Staff Council meetings when appropriate.
- To serve as President of the Staff Council for two fiscal years.
Duties of the Vice President:
- To preside at staff Council meetings in the President's absence.
- To become President of the Staff Council in the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the President and shall act as an interim President until a new President is elected.
- Shall act on behalf of the President of Staff Council upon request.
- In the absence of the secretary and treasurer, shall act as a recording secretary.
- To serve as an ex‐officio member of all standing committees if appointed by the President of the Staff Council.
- Assist the President of the Staff Council in determining the agenda for meetings of the Staff Council.
- Represent the Staff Council at Faculty Senate and other University meetings as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
Duties of the Secretary:
- To keep minutes of regular and special meetings of the Staff Council and send an electronic copy to all non‐academic staff.
- To keep a record of each member's attendance at meetings of the Staff Council.
- Assist the Staff Council President in determining meeting agenda items.
- To schedule meeting places for the Staff Council.
Duties of the Treasurer:
- The treasurer shall be responsible for accounting, safeguarding, and reporting all Staff Council funds.
- Compiles a written treasurer’s report to be submitted at Staff Council meetings
- The treasurer shall record minutes in the absence of the secretary.
Term of Office:
The term of office shall be for two (2) fiscal years for all officers and Executive Board members. If there are no other nominations at the time of elections at the end of the two (2) years, the current member in that office may choose to continue to serve additional term(s).
- Incumbent Officers may serve consecutive terms if no nominations are received but still require a member vote of approval during the regular nomination and election process.
A vacancy is created when an officer becomes no longer a member of the Staff Council or requests to be relieved of duties. All vacancies will be filled by election at the next meeting of the Staff Council.
The President of Staff Council shall select members and the chairperson of the standing committees. Committee assignments shall be reviewed and updated annually.
The President of the Staff Council shall appoint member vacancies.
Standing Committees:
- Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three (3) support staff members. This committee reviews the bylaws and recommends changes and additions/deletions to the Staff Council.
- Fundraising and Development Committee: The Fundraising and Development committee shall consist of at least three (3) support staff members. This committee is responsible for identifying opportunities to procure funds and fundraising initiatives.
- Executive Committee: The Executive Committee consists of current officers and committee chairpersons. It meets in the event of the Deactivation/Reactivation of Staff Council or as needed.
- Budget Committee: The Budget Committee aids the Staff Council in being fiscally responsible according to the bylaws and mission statement.
- Nomination and Awards Committee:The Nomination and Awards Committee shall consist of at least three (3) support staff members. This committee is responsible for presenting a slate of Executive Board nominees at the June meeting, sending ballots to all voting council members, collecting and tallying the votes, announcing the results, and sending them via email. The Nominations and Awards committee also oversees the staff recognition awards, which include collecting nominations, tallying results, and securing the physical awards.
- Website Committee:The Website Committee shall consist of at least two (2) support staff members. This committee is responsible for ensuring that information pertaining to the Staff Council is readily available on the website for staff members and all of Indiana University Fort Wayne.
- Events Committee: The Events Committee is responsible for organizing and planning all Staff Council events. It shall consist of at least three (3) support staff members.
- Other Standing Committees: Other standing committees may be established as necessary.
University Committees:
The Staff Council President and Vice President will request that at least one (1) staff member be represented on all appropriate University Committees.
Merit Committee:
The Merit Committee will consist of three (3) members. It shall have one (1) member from support staff, one (1) from administration, and one (1) faculty member. The Merit Committee will support administration in the recognition of staff and faculty milestone achievements.
A simple majority of the Council members shall constitute a quorum for conducting meetings. All meetings shall be open and conducted under the latest Roberts Rules of Order edition. Any conflict between those rules and the bylaws shall be resolved in favor of these bylaws.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings:
The Staff Council shall have regularly scheduled meetings. Under the Trustee Policy Revision of 7/1/81, members may be granted time off from the University job duties without loss of pay up to two (2) hours in any month. The meetings shall proceed according to the agenda.
Any employee may present an item to be considered for the agenda of regularly scheduled meetings. These items should be submitted to an officer of the Staff Council. Agendas should be distributed before meetings.
Voting on all matters, other than the election of officers of the Staff Council, shall be by voice unless a secret ballot is requested.
Motions may be proposed at any time and require a simple majority vote of those present. Motions shall follow the procedures of Roberts Rules of Order.
Staff Council bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any regularly scheduled support staff meeting, provided the amendment was submitted in writing at a previous meeting.
If circumstances warrant deactivating the Staff Council as an official body of staff representatives, a special meeting shall be held with the Staff Council members, consisting of the current officers and committee chairpersons. This group shall be hereafter referred to as the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall discuss and vote on this issue. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall deem the Staff Council inactive. In this event, the Executive Board shall deal with any decision regarding the funds in the Staff Council treasury. The Executive Board shall meet quarterly to determine whether or not the Staff Council should be reactivated. If the Executive Board feels sufficient interest has been demonstrated to reactivate the Staff Council, they shall call for a vote. A majority vote of the Executive Board is required to reactivate the Staff Council as a recognized body (See Indiana University Board of Trustees Authoritative Action Establishing the Staff Council, paragraphs II and III).
- Eligible Candidates
- Staff Members: All full-time and part-time employees who have completed at least one (1) year of service with the organization are eligible to be nominated for the award(s) unless specified in the individual award criteria
- Exclusions: All members of the Vice Chancellors Cabinet are ineligible to receive staff awards.
- Former Award Recipients: Members who have received an award are not eligible to be nominated again for that same award for the immediately following two award cycles after winning the award.
Nomination, Review, and Selection Process
- Nominations
- Any employee, supervisor, student, or subordinate may submit nominations.
- Nominations must be submitted using the official nomination form and with specific examples demonstrating how the nominee meets the award criteria.
- The nomination period will be open at a designated time each year, and notice will be provided to all employees and students.
- The Nomination and Awards committee creates and disseminates the official nomination form.
- Review and Selection Committee
- The Vice Chancellor’s Cabinet will review the nominations.
- The Vice Chancellor’s Cabinet will ensure a fair and impartial evaluation based only on the nomination criteria provided.
Award Presentation
- Frequency of Award(s):
- All Staff Council Awards shall be presented annually at a formal award recognition event.
- Award Details:
- The recipient of each award shall receive an individual physical award and public recognition through official university communication channels.
Staff Impact Award
Article I: Name
The name of the award shall be the Staff Impact Award.
Article II: Purpose
The Staff Impact Award is established to recognize and celebrate outstanding employees who exemplify key values that positively impact the organization and its community. The award will honor employees who demonstrate exceptional loyalty, attitude, teamwork, contribution to the organization, and engagement with the broader community.
Article III: Award Criteria
The Staff Impact Award will be based on the following criteria:
- Loyalty
Consistent dedication to the organization, demonstrated through tenure, reliability, and commitment to the organization's mission.
b. Willingness to go above and beyond in service to the organization. - Attitude
Exhibits a positive, can-do attitude in all situations, fostering a healthy, productive work environment.
b. Demonstrates resilience, optimism, and enthusiasm that inspires colleagues. - Teamwork
Works collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals and support team success.
b. Foster a spirit of cooperation, respect, and open communication within the team. - Contribution
Makes a significant impact through exceptional work performance and tangible results that advance the organization’s objectives.
b. Contributes innovative ideas, problem-solving abilities, and initiative toward continuously improving processes and outcomes. - Community Engagement
Actively participates in community outreach initiatives and serves as a representative of the organization in external activities.
b. Encourages others to get involved and promotes a culture of giving back to the community.
Staff Engagement Award
Article I: Name
The name of this award shall be the Staff Engagement Award.
Article II: Purpose
The Staff Engagement Award aims to recognize and honor employees who demonstrate outstanding initiative, active volunteer involvement, and committee engagement. They go above and beyond their regular duties, contributing significantly to the workplace community and culture.
Article III: Award Criteria
Nominees for the Staff Engagement Award must meet the following criteria:
- Initiative:
Demonstrates a proactive approach to improving the workplace environment, processes, or team morale. This includes taking on new projects, suggesting new ideas, and consistently displaying leadership and resourcefulness. - Volunteer Involvement:
Actively participates in volunteer opportunities within the organization and the local community. This criterion values individuals who represent the organization positively and support its mission through volunteer work. - Committee Involvement:
Engages with internal committees, helping to plan, organize, or contribute to the success of initiatives, events, or projects. Nominees must show commitment and active participation in at least one company-wide committee. - Above and Beyond:
Exceeds expectations in their day-to-day responsibilities by consistently going the extra mile. This can include offering help to colleagues, taking on additional tasks, or positively influencing team dynamics outside of their job scope.
Article I: Name
The name of this award shall be the Rising Star Award.
Article II: Purpose
The Rising Star Award aims to recognize and celebrate employees within their first three years of service who have shown exceptional dedication, involvement, and impact in the organization and consistently perform at a high level.
Article III: Eligibility
- Tenure:
Nominees must be within their first three years of employment at the time of nomination. - Exception:
Employees within their first year are eligible to be included in nominations for the Rising Star Award.
Article IV: Award Criteria
Nominees for the Rising Star Award must meet the following criteria:
- Dedication:
Demonstrates a solid commitment to their role and the organization, consistently delivering high-quality work, taking ownership of tasks, and showing enthusiasm for personal and professional growth. - Within the First 3 Years:
The nominee must be in their first three years of employment with the organization, actively making a meaningful impact during this early career phase. - Involvement and Impact:
Actively engages in organizational activities, including team projects, company initiatives, or community involvement, and has positively impacted their department, team, or the broader organization. - Performance:
Exhibits consistent, high-quality performance in their job responsibilities, meeting or exceeding key performance metrics and demonstrating potential for continued growth within the organization.
- Award Ordering
The award shall be purchased and ordered through an Indiana University-approved retailer. - Timeframe
The award purchase order will be submitted for approval within one (1) month of the selection period ending.
- Physical Award Selection:
- The Staff Council Executive Committee will approve the physical award design.
- The awards are designed and created by the Nominations and Awards committee.
- The Nominations and Awards committee will ensure that the physical award(s) have the correct spelling of the award name and branding and logos.
- The individual ordering the awards will be responsible for ensuring the award recipient names are spelled correctly to preserve the award's secrecy.
- Funding:
- The awards are fully funded through the IU Fort Wayne Administration.