Letter from Vice Chancellor Garrison

Creating a welcoming campus together: A message from Vice Chancellor and Dean Garrison

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As the leader of the IU Fort Wayne campus, it is an honor and a great responsibility to work alongside our faculty, staff, and students to build a welcoming place of belonging for each student, employee, and visitor.

At IU Fort Wayne we value a campus culture of belonging, inclusion, and equity. Each day we are fortunate to encounter people from diverse races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, abilities, cultures, and backgrounds through our daily activities. Everyone is part of our shared humanity, and each person has intrinsic dignity and is worthy of our kindness and respect.

Each person has the right to pursue their dreams and to be supported in doing so. All of us, especially those who have experienced a less than privileged background, have the right to resources to support our success.

At IU Fort Wayne, let’s actively seek to understand and appreciate the different perspectives of those around us. Let’s embrace the richness of connecting with another person and worry less about saying the wrong thing.