To see your current name or to change your preferred first or middle name, use the Change Name app in One.IU. Choose “Edit” to modify your preferred name. Note that this will not update the name on your diploma or transcripts.
Your preferred last name must be the same as your primary last name. If you wish to change your last name, follow the instructions for changing your primary name.
It’s your responsibility to verify that your primary name is listed correctly, including hyphens, spaces, lower and uppercase letters, and accent marks. Your name will appear on your diploma in the same format as it appears in our records.
If your name has been legally changed or is inaccurate in our system, you can request a change. The process for changing your primary name depends on whether you are a student only or both a student and an employee. Either way, you’ll need to include legal documentation of your name, such as a copy of:
- Your Indiana driver’s license
- Your Social Security card
- Your marriage certificate
- An official court document
You’ll also need to include a photocopy of a photo ID which shows your birthdate.
If you’re a student
Fill out a request for a change of primary name. You will be required to submit a copy of your legal documentation as part of this process. Please contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
If you have any questions, contact the registrar services in Student Central.
If you’re a student employee
Complete and submit a personal data change form, along with a copy of legal documentation of your name, to the appropriate office listed on the form. If you have any questions, contact IU Indianapolis Human Resources Administration at or 317.274.7617.
If you would like to change your name as it will appear on your diploma, visit the Change Name task in One.IU. Please know that all changes must meet IU's Preferred Name policy.