
Professional Development Grant

The purpose of the Staff Professional Development Grants (SPDG) program of the IUFW Staff Council is to award recognition and financial support to individual staff members to engage in professional development activities that align with the IUFW Strategic Plan, contribute to the success of IUFW, and enhance the professional growth of the staff member.

The application must be emailed to the Staff Council by the deadline date.

Funding decisions will be made approximately four weeks after the deadline.

The Staff Professional Development Grants are coordinated through the IUFW Staff Council Awards and Recognition Committee.

Deadlines to apply: February 1 and  August 1 at 11:59 p.m. The application must be emailed to the Staff Council by the deadline date.



IU Fort Wayne Staff Service Award

Annually, the Staff Council will acknowledge and award a full-time or part-time staff member for their attitude, loyalty, teamwork, and contribution to the mission, goals, and strategic initiatives of Indiana University Fort Wayne.

Staff nominees for this award will have displayed excellence in Attitute, Loyalty, Teamwork and Contribution towards the success and future of Indiana University Fort Wayne. This individual displays a positive personal and professional interaction with co-workers, faculty, students, and visitors. They demonstrate integrity and committment to IUFW. They work well with others to reach common goals and complete tasks. Thier efforts have aided in the university's mission, goals, and initiatives.

To nominate an individual, please submit the nomination form along with a narrative explaining how this person has met the criteria. Submit completed nominations to Creasie Hill by November 27th.